Okay, this post is a follow-up on the one I did earlier today, so if it doesn’t make sense, go read the one ahead of it. This is just going to be pictures, really. (Click on the pictures for larger versions.)

We didn’t really know where we were going, but we realized as we were crossing this bridge that we’d gone too far. So we got to the other side and turned around, which gave me a second chance to try to take this photo.

We parked the car and found this great park with all these wonderful benches and alcoves. I bet this place is wonderful in a couple more weeks once the grass is growing and things are alive again.

In the park we found this fountain. There’s a whole list of rules about wading in the fountains – yes, there is more than one, I’ll get to that in a second – including “no swimming.” Really? In a pool only a foot deep? Go figure.

This is the other fountain. I bet this one is the favorite in the summer. Just look at all that refreshing water! On Saturday, it was in the 60s, probably, and the wind was blowing so strongly that water was flowing off the fountain and down the stairs.

This was my lunch — seared salmon with green beans and Charleston red rice (from which I picked out all the pork). I forgot my journal in the car to write down what I’d eaten so I took a picture of it instead. I’m rather proud of my good food choices on Saturday.

This was on the way back to where we’d parked. It’s just an alleyway and I have no idea what the building is, but I thought it looked really interesting.

This is “Blue boy.” He’s the real reason why we went up to Charleston. Since the puppies were all the same color, they have ribbons around their neck to keep them straight.

See? Otherwise they all look the same. There were four of them total when we were there, but the other one hadn’t made it over yet. They were adorable!

And on the way out of town we got this great sunset. This picture doesn’t really capture it very well, but it was amazing.
And there you go! Pictures from our day in Charleston.
You take such professional looking photographs. Nice post!
Thanks, Mom! I have way too much fun sometimes. 😀