I’m trying to post more of my photography, as I think was pretty obvious through my pictures all throughout the entries about Costa Rica. I like taking pictures and I like showing them off to people, so it’s just pure and simple laziness that I don’t do it more.
One of the things I’m going to try to do is to start doing Wordless Wednesday, a concept I see used with great consistency over at Good Mom / Bad Mom (a site I visit because of the humor of the writers) and which, as it turns out, I had tried to do over at Wake Up the Muse. With little success because of the aforementioned laziness.
So. It’s Thursday. But I didn’t have time to take these pictures before getting home from work on Wednesday because the subject of these pictures kept me up long past my bedtime.
We went to go see Scott Kurtz and Dave Kellett speaking at the Trustee’s Theatre in Savannah. It was a lecture they were doing for the SCAD students in the Sequential Art program, but we both love their comics and decided that we’d go listen in. Even though it was all about webcomics and that and we’re not at all involved in drawing comics. But there were some business concepts that were good to hear and, most of all, it was just a whole lot of fun.
Anyway. Most of the time, I’m not going to write much with the pictures, but these might be confusing without.
This is my notebook. It lives in my purse. I *love* this notebook because it’s nearly indestructable and very compact and fabulous. I can make it as thin or thick as I would like by replacing the screw in the top corner and the elastic band around the whole thing keeps it all together really well. It was one of the very few things that actually came with me to Costa Rica from my purse while most everything else stayed behind. That’s how much this notebook stays with me.

It makes me happy. 🙂 I nearly chickened out because I don’t meet people well–I’m easily intimidated. But Justin insisted that I persist and insert myself into the line to shake their hands and get signatures and so I did. And I’m so tickled!
(P.S. Mom and Erica, I got your emails last night but didn’t have time to respond. I’ll try to do that tonight. *LOVE!*)